Monday, November 23, 2009

Business Program Signs Agreement with UPEMOR

By: Stephanie Jackson

On Tuesday, CGE’s brand-new International Business semester program in Cuernavaca, Mexico, took an important step forward as it signed an institutional agreement with the local Universidad Politécnica del Estado de Morelos (UPEMOR). Antonio Ortega, CGE’s Business program coordinator, and Violeta Jaramillo, a UPEMOR professor of administration, were instrumental in forming the agreement. The two have already been working together with their students throughout the semester to arrange student exchanges, group excursions, and internship placements.

From left: Ann Lutterman Aguilar and Natividad Rosas (from CGE), alongside Violeta Jaramillo and Jose Dario Galicia Reyes (from UPEMOR) during the signing

As two relatively young institutions—CGE’s business program is in its first semester and UPEMOR was founded in 2004—the programs share much in common. Both have a shared interest in international issues, especially due to the ever-increasing role of globalization in our world. Both institutions understand the necessity of learning a second language in order to open doors for their students in the future. And finally, the issue of social responsibility is very important to both CGE and UPEMOR. CGE’s mission has always included social justice as a key component of its programs, while UPEMOR is involved with programs such as the support of a local school in need, la Escuela Conafe de Loma Bonita.

Faculty, staff and business students from CGE and UPEMOR

When representatives for both CGE and UPEMOR met to sign the formal agreement, it was clear that all parties are excited about the opportunities that this agreement will offer. Some of the benefits include student and professor exchanges, joint student projects (one of which is already happening), internship partnerships, and language practice for students. Ortega mentioned CGE’s excitement for continued exchanges, both formal and informal, for its business students, while Jaramillo talked about it as a way to offer experiences that will keep her students competitive in the job market. Everyone is looking forward to a positive and beneficial relationship between these two institutions for many years to come.

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